- [Shajira] As we finish our session today, let's review the key take-aways. We can all send microaggressions unintentionally. And although we may receive them as well, the impact of microaggressions on people from marginalized groups is magnified and can be debilitating. Remember, the death by 1,000 cuts notion that we mentioned earlier. People from marginalized groups are more often to receive the consistent and longstanding microaggressions. It is important to address and minimize microaggressions. As we strive to create a diverse, inclusive, and equitable organization for all of us, we work to create a work environment where everyone feels valued and appreciated by each and every one of us. There are strategies we can employ to address microaggressions, whether you are the sender, receiver, or an observer. Working through microaggressions is no easy task, which is why resources are available for you that can serve as the reminder to the steps and strategies we shared. Thank you for your time and attention today.